東北関東大震災支援隊本部 BOND & JUSTICE様の抜けていた文章を再度掲載させて頂きます。
もともと自分達の好きなカルチャーがあって、HIPHOPやTATTOOだったり、日本全国のアーティストが協力してくれてそのつながりがあったからこそ、色々な動きができてアメリカに“オペレーションUSA”って団体があるってラッパーのSNOOP DOGが紹介してくれて、そのおかげでアメリカの文部省まで協力してくれた。
だけどこうゆうのって被害受けた人達が何して欲しいかってのが大前提じゃない?、なのに自分の“エゴ”押し付ける人達も居たりで、例えばヒマワリの種植えたら植えっぱなしで、植えた奴らは満足して帰っちゃってその後は知らんぷりで、じゃあ誰が手入れするんだよって、仮設だとか避難所の目の前で立ち枯れたヒマワリはそれこそ悲しいってゆうか…「pray for japan」や「がんばれ日本」を悪くも言いたくないけど、祈ったところで何も変わらないし外国の話でも無いし。
I was supposed to carry supplies to Minami-Souma City in the beginning, but couldn’t get there because of the explosion occurred at the (Fukushima Dai-ichi) NPP. So I had to carry them to Ibaraki, and then the mayor of Minami-Souma City made an arrangement for me providing with a four-ton truck. I managed to carry them and ended up going to Miyako, Iwate, and then headed down to Iwaki.
Almost no supplies had been delivered to the places like small-scale or personal shelters while large-scale evacuation areas had enough supplies. It may not be a good way of describing, but the whole town was as if in a state of “Fist of the North Star”. It was pitch-dark and a full of debris and rubble everywhere. I saw a middle-aged guy walking down on the street with an iron stick in his hand. At the shelter people looked so confused, some of them were even going little nuts, snatching their supplies with each other. And I knew later why that happened. There was a plenty of supplies piled in the city hall, but no one wanted to go pick up as they said, “It’s dangerous,” or “We got no gas.” The self-defense officials were too busy to take care of people at the shelter, and all of the lifelines were lost. We got no heating oil though it was minus five degrees (centigrade) outside, and we didn’t have enough gas, either, so we spent the night without heat in our truck. We even borrowed a bathroom at the Self-Defense Forces’ camp, so that we could take a bath.
We visited the firehouse in Kesennuma. Because they persisted in the name “firehouse”, the people who took shelter here couldn’t use fire, so they had had no warm food or even heat for two months until May. There were also other issues: For example, when we brought 10 meals to the shelter that had 100 refugees, we needed to wait for other 90 meals to arrive, which eventually made the first 10 meals’ shelf life expired by the time the rest of food were delivered. Most areas along with the Pacific shore between Miyako and Chiba, 500 kilometers in length, were severely damaged by tsunami. Some areas, even from about 6 kilometers away from the ocean, were also damaged, like a house being lifted up on the mountains. It was simply as if the town became the sea. I grew up in Minami-Souma. The places I used to play around as a kid were completely changed – a dead body hanging on a tree or utility pole. One of my friends was a firefighter who died due to tsunami attack while he was helping people to escape from it. His wife has their fourth child in her belly now. And it makes me work harder for him and his kid, too.
We’ve always loved the culture like HIPHOP or TATTOO. Artists from all over Japan cooperated with us, and because of the bonds we were able to make various actions. There’s this organization called “Operation USA” which a rapper, Snoop Dog, introduced us. And because of his favor we finally got cooperation with the U.S. Education Department. An NGO called “Medical Coop” gave us a call and said, “We just sent some meat”, which we later received 1.6 tons of meat, 3.5 tons of onions, 1 ton of rice, potatoes and so on. We didn’t even have a freezer and like, “what are we gonna do with these?” We really appreciated that they even sent us some Geiger counters, too. It was being said that there was no supply found anywhere, but meanwhile, everyone’s help resulted in 10 tons (of supplies) all together. The supplies must’ve been carried from the direction of Shizuoka because of a shortage of gas. Many roads were closed and a situation was changing every hour anyhow.
I used my Geiger counter to measure the radioactivity in numbers, which showed eighty thousand. The numbers went up to 300 something in some areas on the 17th and 18th of March – even on the Tohoku Expressway when I went beyond Kouriyama it showed 24 micro sieverts. It was extremely abnormal. On both the 14th and 15th of March it rained in yellow color. I was driving and felt my joints hurt and my head ached. It’s hard to explain, but I experienced as though something was bubbling in my body. The media said it was pollen, and I knew they were obviously lying because we’d never seen such a rain before. They can cheat us whatever they want because it’s invisible. But in reality it’s kept accumulating, and it will bring in a serious state one to three decades later. Sadly, in these days some say, “Are you still saying such a thing?” or, “Isn’t it over now?” Some of them even blame people who’ve taken refuge. I can understand their feelings, too. We know we have to discuss how to revive, having said that, there’re no concrete ideas determined yet. So it’s hard to promote mutual understanding.
I deeply feel our consciousness has changed since the day of March 11, 2011. Until then, we were mind-controlled that the NPP was “Eco” and safe, and we had no belief that we’d created such an awful thing. There is a thermal power plant in Minami-Souma city, and we never doubted that it had no big difference with the NPP. We would assume as a matter of course that it was safe without any distrust. Huge amount of money that had involved with the NPP made us say, “It’s okay, isn’t it?” though we never had a favor of it. But it was the most dangerous way of thought after all. Once it exploded, the electric power company, the government and scientists who used to say it was safe were no longer able to control it. They want to build a sarcophagus, but in Chernobyl the soldiers who built it died, so they have to form a unit something like a kamikaze corps in order to achieve it. I think this makes some people feel they don’t want to leave their home. But I hope they’ll leave even temporarily with a feeling that they’re proud of being Fukushima people who cherish their hometown. We don’t know when we return, as it could be years or decades. But if (they stay and) they get sick without telling their children about this, they’ll die for nothing. I want them to think this is a refuge for reconstruction. I don’t want people in Fukushima to be samples, but to become one of the nations who got over with it. Our grandpas and grandmas must have fought in war with such feelings. Sixty-six years went by, I think we’re being tested now. We should create the new history. I want everyone to have intention to reconstruct! Let’s get it over to have no concerns, or say it’s someone else’s problem, or blame the government, or have no voice while you’re aware what’s happening, or think only about money. I know we’re all feeling uneasy. But I want you to say aloud, “I think in a way like this,” or “I think something is wrong.” Then, I’m sure it’ll be a start for something to change. It is important now to believe, “I have to do it” and to think about our future.
The situation is extremely special now. We must take particular action. Action taken only by those who always take some action doesn’t settle the problem on time unless those who never took action start going into action. What makes them take action depends on how each of them feels. But after seeing the scene in which people are trying so hard while their family got washed away, I have no reason (to take action). I think the most important thing is to do whatever the victims want us to do. Isn’t it? In the meantime, there are people pushing their ego to others. For example, people sow sunflower seeds in front of the shelter or temporary housing and leave getting satisfied what they’ve done. But they don’t care about what happens to it after they leave. Who’s going to take care of it? Isn’t it just sad to see the sunflowers standing withered? I don’t mean it’s bad to insist, “Pray for Japan” or “Hang in there, Japan”, but I believe nothing will change even if you only pray. It’s not about a story about a foreign country, you know? Taking action is the only way we can change. Having said that, it’d be nothing if you visit shelters casually and end up throwing up unable to move, or you just do volunteering hoping to get something by getting involved in the victim’s life because you’re at a loss in your own life. You must think little deeper. I wish people would have a right feeling (towards what they’re trying to do).
I know my appearance is not as good as ordinary people. I have a tattoo saying BOND on my right hand, and JUSTICE on my left hand, which is also a name of my organization. People were very hard on me and showed me bad attitudes in the beginning, which made me upset. Meanwhile, there were guys trying to sell 2-litter bottled water for 2000 yen or a rice ball for 500 yen. I was very disappointed to see them still doing such things despite the circumstances. There were also media fellows having a wild time. As we kept visiting, people gradually started thinking that we were different. We never intended to receive anything even a cup-noodle as we were there for delivering supplies and serving emergency food. But they would ask, as if they cared for us like their own grandkids or kids, “What do you want to eat today?” They would also bring us sake from the debris and say, “Drink some sake so that you can get yourself warm. It’s cold here,” or give me socks saying “You’re feet can get cold,” or took us to go fishing. We were truly grateful for their kindness and feelings especially when we got anxious and depressed because of the invisible goal ahead of us.
I think it was our chance to show people that we shouldn’t judge others by their appearances and that we can coexist and help with each other by taking away prejudice. I feel that helping with each other can lead people in the same circumstance to their mutual encouragement after all.
I’m hoping that we’ll continue to exist as an organization like preparations for the critical occasion, so that we can work in cooperation with people all over the country in case another disaster occurs in future. Personally, I’m seriously thinking to become a member of a city council, though it’ll be other than Minami-Souma, at age of 34 in order to work toward reconstruction.
Thank you very much.
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