最初の仕事は日本を代表するファッションデザイナー ¨ヨージ・ヤマモト¨ の仕事。最初にこの仕事をやったおかげで、その後いろいろな雑誌などの仕事をさせて貰えた。ある仕事の最中、ある人に「ミラノに行った方がいいぞ!」と言われ、元々ヨーロッパも行ってみたいと思っていたし、行ってみることに決めたんだ。
その当時ミラノは1979年にロンドンで¨パンクムーブメント¨が起こり、その影響で1985年頃には、ミラノでも¨ストリートファッション¨という感覚で取り入れられていた。僕みたいなヤツがモデルとして¨Vouge Uomo¨に4回も出れる状況になっていた。
I think my life is controlled by luck (lots of good luck, and I think you have a hand in causing your own luck) and good relationships with good people.
I was brought to Japan with my family first in 1967, and again after that in 1969.
Both times we came by ship.
I don’t remember everything very well. becouse I was a just a kid but I do remember my parents bought my brother a battery powered tank.
We were thrilled because we had never seen battery powered toys before
And also I remember meeting school students, the japanese school uniform was very impressive to us because all the students seemed like adults
Then into adulthood, I became a high school teacher in Australia, but most healthy high school students are interested only Fighting or Fucking, them being of the age of transition into adulthood. Being a teacher, the figure of authority, was like being a cop. “Sit Down!, Be Quiet! Don’t Do That!” This was not a very satisfying job. After 2 years I quit and got a job as a city bus driver. At least that way I had my own time to live.
The whole time I have been interested in art and music and I had always been attracted to Tokyo, Los Angeles, New York and Berlin because I thought these cities would be centers of Art and Music. I bought a year open ticket from Sydney to Tokyo to Seattle, thinking I’d check out Tokyo for a bit, get to Seattle, go down to L.A.. across to NewYork...but suddenly more than 27 years have passed in Tokyo)
Like a lot of foreigners who come here, I became the an English teacher as soon as I came to Tokyo. One day, on the way to some English teaching job, I was stopped by someone in Shinjuku Station and asked do I “want to be a model?” I had no interest or knowledge of the business but I went along with this chance encounter
My very first job was working for the famous Japanese brand designer Yohji Yamamoto’s Y’s for Men. This gave me a big start, then I worked with a few magazines and I met other models who all said “You should go to Milan". Although it wasn’t part of the original master plan, I decided to go to Milano.
The punk music phenomena started in London in around 1979, the punk movement eventually effected all aspects of creativity, from fashion to architecture, to food to..., The punk influence took a few years to effect Milano but by the time I arrived in 1985 street fashion had become a trend and even someone as wierd looking as me could get photographed for a magazine. I was in Italian Vogue Uomo 4 times!
In the process I worked with some very famous photographers. When they heard I was living in Japan they all wanted me to get them work in Japan (These were the good ol’ bubble days
Working as a model has no certainty and no definite future. Its only due to what you look like. The face you are born with. I was “lucky” to be born with genes that made me white and tall, but that had Nothing to do with any of my conscious efforts. I decided to take advantage of the connections I had been lucky to make and make something from that. After Milano I came back to Japan and set up avgvst, a management company representing some of the photographers that I had been fortunate enough to meet in Milano
One of the mottos of avgvst is “nantoka naru” somehow everythings gonna work out” , It's true, if you think positive.
The object of all these activities has been to raise critical sensible awareness in myself and some of the people I have met and to try to “Change the World”. I try to justify to myself we are working towards this even though avgvst in mainly involved in the fashion and advertising industries. Basically the aim of those indutries is to convince people that they need to consume stuff that they do not actually need. But I figure the better way to change things is to work covertly from the inside. It will be a long fight but we must overthrow Babylon.
Little by little, by increasing the number of people thinking ''We have to change something'', and then I think ''Something will change'' .
Since human invented ways to use electricity, many machines and methods have been created and lots of “Progress” has been made. Now we have all sorts of electronic media TV, Internet, etc and we have come to depend on our use of energy to an unhealthy degree. One of the good results of the meltdowns at the Fukushima atomic power plants has been the increase of our questioning of our unhealthy dependance on energy and the luxuries that using energy brings us.
Back in the day, before we had electric light, we would gather arround the campfire, and talk. The flames of a wood fire, a simple form of energy use, still brings out good primitive feelings of community and exchange.
These important times of power cuts due to Fukushima and the Babylon Tepco give us a great chance to meet and communicate, around the campfire, or by candlelight, about the overthow of Babylon.
For life to be swayed by money is not good.
I think we have to change, get our minds away from money
We also should forget about the concept of Nations or Religions or Race. We should revert to a tribal style. Your tribe is defined by your shared blood or your love for an other. You and your tribe should respect and be respected by the other tribes. We should live sensibly and sustainably and share everything.
There are many more important things than the possession of ''money'' or ''stocks'', it's all fiction.
I belive the things that have real meaning are abstract feelings ''Love'' and ''Passion''.
Even if we have earthquakes and tsunami or even wars we must not forget the important things in life there is meaning to live.
Believing ''things are good'' or ''feeling satisfied'' are important to me.
If you have friends that you can share with that could be the start could it not.
That is why I am doing Avgvst, the meaning of avgvst is similar honest or earnest.
I believed it was a good meaning, I do not want to lie to myself or not do the job properly is what I believe.
Now I am so lucky to have a place in Australia where I am trying my best to live in a sustainable sensible manner.
I am trying to grow my own foods to eat and share.
I like the earth even farming or surfing the earth plays a big part, the earth is now considered just as land for buying or selling.
On this earth there are other living things so to think any part of the earth belongs to any one person or corporation is a mistake.
The original australian aboriginies and the native americans, the maori do not think that the earth belongs to any individual, but that it belongs to “us all”.
They believe that sharing and bartering and living together are the important things.
I believe that people should live a more simple life.
I love Tokyo it is a very important city, I think it is important to do real things here.
What ever the future holds I want to see, one thing that definately never changes is that the earth is one of the many heavenly bodies “hurtling through space”.
Thank you very much.
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